Resultados científico técnicos
Presença e comportamento de poluentes emergentes e produtos de transformação
Rosa Montes, Sandra Méndez, Julio Cobas, Nieves Carro, Teresa Neuparth, Nelson Alves, Miguel M. Santos, José Benito Quintana, Rosario Rodil (2023) Occurrence of persistent and mobile chemicals and other contaminants of emerging concern in Spanish and Portuguese wastewater treatment plants, transnational river basins and coastal water, Science of The Total Environment, Volume 885, 163737, ISSN 0048-9697,
Socio responsable: USC, INTECMAR, CIIMAR
Fecha: 2023

Castro, V., Quintana, J.B., López-Vázquez, J., Carro, N., Cobas, J., Bilbao, D., Cela, R. & Rodil, R. (2022) Development and application of an in-house library and workflow for gas chromatography–electron ionization–accurate-mass/high-resolution mass spectrometry screening of environmental samples. Anal Bioanal Chem 414, 6327–6340
Socio responsable: USC / INTECMAR
Fecha: 2022

Montes, R.; Méndez, S.; Carro, N.; Cobas, J.; Alves, N.; Neuparth, T.; Santos, M.M.; Quintana, J.B.; Rodil, R. Screening of Contaminants of Emerging Concern in Surface Water and Wastewater Effluents, Assisted by the Persistency-Mobility-Toxicity Criteria. Molecules 2022, 27, 3915.
Socio responsable: USC / INTECMAR / CIIMAR
Fecha: Junio 2022

Benigno José Sieira, Rosario Rodil, Rafael Cela, José Benito Quintana, Rosa Montes,
Transformation products of the high-volume production chemicals 1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidinone and 2-piperazin-1-ylethanamine formed by UV photolysis, Chemosphere, Volume 287, Part 4 (2022) 132394, ISSN 0045-6535,
Socio responsable: USC
Fecha: Enero 2022

N. Carro, J. Cobas, I. García, M. Ignacio, A. Mouteira, M. Miranda, L. Picado. Organochlorine compounds and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in mussels from Ria de Vigo (the Northern Spanish coast). Current levels and long-term trends (2010–2019). Relationship with human pressures. Regional Studies in Marine Science 44 (2021) 101742.
Socio responsable: INTECMAR
Fecha: Diciembre 2020

B.J. Sieira, J.B. Quintana, R. Cela, R. Rodil. Reaction of phenazone-type drugs and metabolites with chlorine and monochloramine, Science of the Total Environment, 757 (2021), 143770
Socio responsable: USC
Fecha: Noviembre 2020

N., Carro, J., Cobas, Nahid, B. et al. Development of a Method for the Determination of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Microplastics Present in Marine Samples. Journal of Analytical Chemistry 76, 960–974 (2021)
Socio responsable: INTECMAR
Fecha: Abril 2020

Nanotecnologias para tratamento de águas residuais
Pedro H. Presumido, Rosa Montes, José B. Quintana, Rosario Rodil, Manuel Feliciano, Gianluca Li Puma, Ana I. Gomes, Vítor J.P. Vilar (2022) Ozone membrane contactor to intensify gas/liquid mass transfer and contaminants of emerging concern oxidaton, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Volume 10, Issue 6, 108671, ISSN 2213-3437
Socio responsable: FEUP-UP & USC
Fecha: Diciembre 2022

Pedro H. Presumido, Lucrécio F. dos Santos, Teresa Neuparth, Miguel M. Santos, Manuel Feliciano, Ana Primo, Hermenegildo Garcia, Maja B- Đolić, Vítor J.P. Vilar. A Novel ceramic tubular membrane coated with a continuous graphene-TiO2 nanocomposite thin-film for CECs mitigation. Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 430, Part 1 (2022) 132639
Socio responsable: FEUP-UP & CIIMAR
Fecha: Enero 2022

Bruna Castanheira, Larissa Otubo, Cristiano L.P. Oliveira, Rosa Montes, José Benito Quintana, Rosario Rodil, Sergio Brochsztain, Vítor J.P. Vilar, Antonio Carlos S.C. Teixeira. Functionalized mesoporous silicas SBA-15 for heterogeneous photocatalysis towards CECs removal from secondary urban wastewater. Chemosphere, Volume 287, Part 1 (2022) 132023, ISSN 0045-6535,
Socio responsable: FEUP-UP & USC
Fecha: Febrero 2022

Mariana F.T. Sá, Verónica Castro, Ana I. Gomes, Daniela F.S. Morais, Rui V.P.S. Silva Braga, Isabel Saraiva, Bianca M. Souza-Chaves, Minkyu Park, Victoria Fernández-Fernández, Rosario Rodil, Rosa Montes, José Benito Quintana, Vítor J.P. Vilar. Tracking pollutants in a municipal sewage network impairing the operation of a wastewater treatment plant, Science of The Total Environment, Volume 817 (2022)
Socio responsable: FEUP-UP & USC
Fecha: Abril 2022

Castellanos, R.M., Presumido, P.H., Dezotti, M., Vilar, V.J.P., Ultrafiltration ceramic membrane as oxidant-catalyst/water contactor to promote sulfate radical AOPs: A case study on 17β-estradiol and 17α-ethinylestradiol, Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2021)
Socio responsable: FEUP-UP
Fecha: Abril 2021

Diório, A., Díaz-Angulo, J., Castellanos, R.M., Gomes, A.I., Bergamasco, R., Vieira, M.F., Dezotti, M., Mueses, M.A., Machuca-Martínez, F., Vilar, V.J.P. A tubular ceramic membrane coated with TiO2-P25 for radial addition of H2O2 towards AMX removal from synthetic solutions and secondary urban wastewater. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2021)
Socio responsable: FEUP-UP
Fecha: Mayo 2021

Espíndola, J.C., Caianelo, M., Scaccia, N., Rodrigues-Silva, C., Guimarães, J.R., Vilar, V.J.P., Trace organic contaminants removal from municipal wastewater using the FluHelik reactor: From laboratory-scale to pre-pilot scale. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 9 (2021) 105060
Socio responsable: FEUP-UP
Fecha: Abril 2021

Presumido, P.H, Primo, A., Vilar, V.J.P., Garcia, H. Large area continuous multilayer graphene membrane for water desalination, Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 413, 2021, 127510, ISSN 1385-8947
Socio responsable: FEUP-UP
Fecha: Junio 2021

Díaz-Angulo, J., Cotillas, S., Gomes, A.I., Miranda, S.M., Mueses, M., Machuca-Martínez, F., Rodrigo, M.A., Boaventura, R.A.R., Vilar, V.J.P. A tube-in-tube membrane microreactor for tertiary treatment of urban wastewaters by photo-Fenton at neutral pH: A proof of concept, Chemosphere 263 (2021) 128049
Socio responsable: FEUP-UP
Fecha: Enero 2021

Lumbaque, E.C., Sirtori, C., Vilar, V.J.P. Heterogeneous photocatalytic degradation of pharmaceuticals in synthetic and real matrices using a tube-in-tube membrane reactor with radial addition of H2O2, Science of the Total Environment 743 (2020) 140629
Socio responsable: FEUP-UP
Fecha: Noviembre 2020

Castellanos, R.M., Bassin, J.P., Dezotti, M. Boaventura, R.A.R, Vilar, V.J.P. Tube-in-tube membrane microreactor for heterogeneous TiO2 photocatalysis with radial addition of H2O2, Chemical Engineering Journal 395 (2020) 124998
Socio responsable: FEUP-UP
Fecha: Septiembre 2020

Espíndola, J.C., Vilar, V.J.P. Innovative light-driven chemical/catalytic reactors towards contaminants of emerging concern mitigation: A review, Chemical Engineering Journal 394 (2020) 124865
Socio responsable: FEUP-UP
Fecha: Agosto 2020

Espíndola, J.C., Cristóvão, R.O., Mendes, A., Boaventura, R.A.R., Vilar, V.J.P. Photocatalytic membrane reactor performance towards oxytetracycline removal from synthetic and real matrices. 4th Iberoamerican Conference on Advanced Oxidation Processes (IV CIPOA) Natal, Brasil
Socio responsable: FEUP-UP
Fecha: 18-22 /11/ 2019

Castellanos, R.M., Bassin, J.P., Dezotti, M., Boaventura, R.A.R., Vilar, V.J.P. Tube-in-Tube Membrane Microreactor for Heterogeneous TiO2 Photocatalysis With Radial Addition of H2O2: A Case Study on 17β-estradiol and 17α-ethinylestradiol Oxidation. 4th Iberoamerican Conference on Advanced Oxidation Processes (IV CIPOA) Natal, Brasil – Presentación oral
Socio responsable: FEUP-UP
Fecha: 18-22 /11/ 2019
Descarga (no disponible)

Ferramentas ecotoxicologicas e de modelização de risco ambiental
Susana Barros, Nélson Alves, Marlene Pinheiro, Marta Ribeiro, Hugo Morais, Rosa Montes, Rosario Rodil, José Benito Quintana, Ana M. Coimbra, Miguel M. Santos*, and Teresa Neuparth (2023) Are Fish Populations at Risk? Metformin Disrupts Zebrafish Development and Reproductive Processes at Chronic Environmentally Relevant Concentrations. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2023, 57, 2, 1049–1059
Socio responsable: CIIMAR, USC
Fecha: 2023

Susana Barros, Marta Ribeiro, Ana M. Coimbra, Marlene Pinheiro, Hugo Morais, Nélson Alves, Rosa Montes, Rosario Rodil, José Benito Quintana, Miguel M. Santos, Teresa Neuparth (2022) Metformin disrupts Danio rerio metabolism at environmentally relevant concentrations: A full life-cycle study, Science of The Total Environment, Volume 846, 2022, 157361, ISSN 0048-9697,
Socio responsable: CIIMAR, USC
Fecha: Noviembre 2022

T. Neuparth, N. Alves, A.M. Machado, M. Pinheiro, R. Montes, R. Rodil, S. Barros, R. Ruivo, L.Filipe C. Castro, J.B. Quintana, M.M. Santos (2022) Neuroendocrine pathways at risk? Simvastatin induces inter and transgenerational disruption in the keystone amphipod Gammarus locusta, Aquatic Toxicology, Volume 244, 106095, ISSN 0166-445X,
Socio responsable: CIIMAR, USC
Fecha: Marzo 2022

Raquel S. Chaves, Catarina S. Guerreiro, Vítor V Cardoso, Maria J. Benoliel, Miguel M. Santos. Toxicological assessmetn of seven unregulated drinking water Disinfection By-products (DBPs) using the zebrafish embryo bioassay, Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 10; 742:140522
Socio responsable: CIIMAR
Fecha: Noviembre 2020

Ricardo Capela, Jeanne Garric, Luís Filipe Costa Castro, Miguel Machado Santos. Data Collection on the use of embryo assays with aquatic animals for toxicity testing and hazard assessment of emerging pollutants, Data in Brief, April 2020, 105220
Socio responsable: CIIMAR
Fecha: Abril 2020

Susana Barros, Ana M. Coimbra, Nelson Alves, Marlene Pinheiro, Jose Benito Quintana, Miguel M. Santos, Teresa Neuparth. Chronic exposure to environmentally relevant levels of simvastatin disrupts zebrafish brain gene signalling involved in energy metabolism, Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 2020, 83, 113-125
Socio responsable: CIIMAR & USC
Fecha: Marzo 2020

Ricardo Capela, Jeanne Garric, Luís Filipe Costa Castro, Miguel Machado Santos. Embryo bioassays with aquatic animals for toxicity testing and hazard assessment of emerging pollutants: A review, Science of The Total Environment, Volume 705, 2020, 135740, ISSN 0048-9697
Socio responsable: CIIMAR
Fecha: Febrero 2020

Teresa Neuparth, Ana I. Lopes, Nelson Alves, Jorge M.A. Oliveira, Miguel M. Santos,
Does the antidepressant sertraline show chronic effects on aquatic invertebrates at environmentally relevant concentrations? A case study with the keystone amphipod, Gammarus locusta, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Volume 183, 2019, 109486, ISSN 0147-6513
Socio responsable: CIIMAR
Fecha: 15/11/2019

Chaves RS, Guerreiro CS, Cardoso VV, Benoliel MJ, Santos MM. Hazard and mode of action of disinfection by-products (DBPs) in water for human consumption: Evidences and research priorities. Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol. 2019 Sep;223:53-61. doi: 10.1016/j.cbpc.2019.05.015. Epub 2019 May 25. PMID: 31136853.
Socio responsable: CIIMAR
Fecha: Mayo 2019

Conferências, seminários e simpósios
Espíndola, J.C., Cristóvão, R.O., Mendes, A., Boaventura, R.A.R., Vilar, V.J.P., Photocatalytic membrane reactor performance towards oxytetracycline removal from synthetic and real matrices. 4th Iberoamerican Conference on Advanced Oxidation Processes (IV CIPOA). Natal (Brasil), 18 –22/11/2019
Castellanos, R.M., Bassin, J.P., Dezotti, M., Boaventura, R.A.R., Vilar, V.J.P. Tube-in-Tube Membrane Microreactor for Heterogeneous TiO2 Photocatalysis With Radial Addition of H2O2: A Case Study on 17 βestradioland17α-ethinylestradiolOxidation. 4th Iberoamerican Conference on Advanced Oxidation Processes (IV CIPOA). Natal (Brasil), 18 – 22/11/2019
J.B. Quintana. Improving the determination of polar organic contaminants in water by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. XIV Latin American Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry (LASEAC). Bento Gonçalves, Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil), 6 – 8/11/2019
J.B. Quintana. Comparison of sampling and chromatographic retention mechanism for the screening of emerging contaminants. Analytica Conference 2020. Online, 19-21/10/2020
Carro. y J.B. Quintana. Contaminantes emergentes en las aguas de Galicia-Norte de Portugal: nuevas herramientas para la gestión del riesgo. Oportunidades de colaboración y desarrollo tecnológico para la prevención y mitigación de los contaminantes emergentes. Jornada Interplataformas PROTECMA – PTEA. Webinar online, 04/12/2020
Gomes, A.I., Photocatalytic membrane reactors towards CECs removal from secondary urban wastewaters, 1st Environment and Nanotechnology Webinar Series, CICECO-DQ University of Aveiro, 21st July 2021. Webinar: Aveiro, Portugal, 21st July 2021
Carro, N., Mouteira, A., García, I. et al. Fast analysis of phthalates in mussel samples by micro-matrix solid-phase dispersion (micro-MSPD) coupled with GC-MS/MS. XXIII International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies (ExTech). Online, 29/06/2021-02/07/2021
J.B. Quintana. Exploring different chromatographic modes for the determination of contaminants of emerging concern in water. International Conference on Non-Target Screening. Híbrida: Erding (Alemania) – Online, 04-07/10/202
M. Santos. NOR-WATER Project: Emerging pollutants in the waters of Galicia-Northern Portugal: new tools for risk management. BIGDATA 4RIVERS, 2nd Knowledge Transfer Seminar, Panel III – Good Practices and Best Technologies Available. Online event on 13th January 2022.
L.M.M.T. Gomes; P.H. Presumido; D.G. Della Rocca; R.F.P.M. Moreira; R. Montes; R. Rodil; J.B. Quintana; A.I. Gomes; V.J.P. Vilar. Corresponding author: V.J.P. Vilar. Tube-in-tube membrane photocatalytic reactor for the treatment of urban wastewater after secondary treatment targeting 19 CECs selected in NOR-WATER project“. Paper presented in 1st International FibEnTech Congress, New opportunities for fibrous materials in the ecological transition-FibEnTech21, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, 2021
C.S. Santos; R. Montes; R. Rodil; J.B. Quintana; A.I. Gomes; V.J.P. Vilar. “Tubular membrane photo-reactor for radial smart-dosing of iron (II) to promote photo-Fenton at neutral pH towards the removal of contaminants of emerging concern in urban wastewaters“. Paper presented in 1st International FibEnTech Congress, New opportunities for fibrous materials in the ecological transition-FibEnTech21, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, 2021.
Méndez, B. Vázquez, R. Montes, J.B. Quintana, R. Rodil, Multi-residue method for the quantification of emerging pollutants in water by solid-phase extraction and mixed-mode liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, 12th Micropol & Ecohazard Conference, Santiago de Compostela, 06/06/2022 – 10/06/2022
R. Rodil, Prioritization strategy and screening of contaminants of emerging concern in surface and wastewater samples framed within the NOR-WATER project, 12th Micropol & Ecohazard Conference, Santiago de Compostela, 06/06/2022 – 10/06/2022
H. Presumido, R. Montes, R. Rodil, J. B. Quintana, M. Feliciano, A. I. Gomes and V. J. P. Vilar, Ozone mass transfer in a tubular porous borosilicate membrane contactor for CECs removal, 12th Micropol & Ecohazard Conference , Santiago de Compostela, 06/06/2022 – 10/06/2022
H. Presumido, S. Ribeirinho-Soares, R. Montes, R. Rodil, J. B. Quintana, M. Feliciano, O. C. Nunes, A. I. Gomes and V. J. P. Vilar, Innovative ozone membrane contactor for tertiary treatment of urban wastewater: disinfection and CECs removal, 12th Micropol & Ecohazard Conference, Santiago de Compostela, 06/06/2022 – 10/06/2022
L. M. M. T. Gomes, R. Montes, R. Rodil, J. B. Quintana, A. I. Gomes and V. J. P. Vilar, FluHelik Photoreactor To Promote SR-AOPs For Tertiary Treatment Of Urban Wastewater Targeting 19 CECs Selected In NOR-WATER Project, 12th Micropol & Ecohazard Conference, Santiago de Compostela, 06/06/2