Grupo de Cromatografía e Quimiometría – ChromChem
The Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (University of Santiago de Compostela), also known as USC, through its Grupo de Cromatografía y Quimiometría (Chromatography and Chemometrics Group), has a wide experience in: a) the development of analytical methods to determine emerging pollutants, b) the study of the transformation of pollutants in the environment, c) the assessment of the behavior of these compounds in the environment. The participation of the USC in the NOR-WATER project will make it possible to address research and dissemination in the area of emerging pollutants from a much broader perspective. The USC has a vast experience in the management of collaborative projects at a European level, having carried out more than 100 European projects.
Grupo de Cromatografía e Quimiometría – USC
Address: Instituto de Investigación e Análises Alimentarias (IIAA). C/ Constantino Candeira s/n. Campus Vida. 15782 – Santiago de Compostela. A Coruña.
Telephone: +34 881 816 035
Contact: José Benito Quintana