by Nor-water | Out 15, 2020 | Novas
Co obxetivo de fomentar a colaboración transfronteiriza na Eurorexión Galicia-Norte de Portugal nun ámbito de interese común como son os contaminantes emerxentes (CE), o proxecto NOR-WATER, lanza neste mes de outubro, a Rede NOR-WATER, un foro de colaboración...
by adminwater | Out 9, 2020 | Novas
Two new chemical groups have been added to the SIN List – PMTs and nanomaterials
by adminwater | Out 9, 2020 | Novas
The protection of our environment and natural resources is crucial in today’s society. A major focus is on climate change, mitigation and adaptation – a core issue of which is the availability, quantity and quality of our water resources. However, millions of people...
by adminwater | Out 9, 2020 | Novas
La Comisión Europea (CE) ha publicado el Décimo informe sobre el estado de ejecución de la Directiva sobre el tratamiento de las aguas residuales urbanas (Directiva TARU), según el cual la recogida y el tratamiento de las aguas residuales en las...
by adminwater | Nov 21, 2019 | Novas
OECD Studies on Water. This report calls for a better understanding of the effects of pharmaceutical residues in the environment, greater international collaboration and accountability distribution, and policy actions to prevent and remedy emerging concerns. Hormones,...