On March 15th we will hold the Final Conference of the NOR-WATER project “Emerging Pollutants in the waters of Galicia and North Portugal: New tools for Risk Management”, which will take place at the headquarters of the Centro Tecnológico del Mar – Fundación CETMAR in Vigo in a face-to-face format.
Co-financed by the INTERREG VA Spain-Portugal Cooperation Program (POCTEP) and coordinated by CIIMAR, the NOR-WATER project ends after three years of intense work with the participation of partners from the Northern region of Portugal (FEUP-UP, APA-ARH Norte, CMIA-CMVDC, Aquamuseu-CMVNC) and Galicia (Universidade de Santiago, INTECMAR and CETMAR, with the collaboration of ANABAM).
The objective of the final conference is to present the results obtained in the project in relation to the detection, chemical and toxicological analysis, monitoring, ecological modeling and remediation of emerging contaminants in the surface waters of Galicia and Northern Portugal. The training and environmental awareness activities carried out in the project will also be presented and all the details on the creation of the NOR-WATER Network will be given.
The program of the event will also include the participation of experts in the study of emerging pollutants, who will show other initiatives carried out in Galicia and the North of Portugal related to this topic. Finally, a round table in which the invited speakers and the consortium will participate, will open a space for debate and exchange of ideas with those attending the event.
Those interested in attending the event, which will take place in the Cíes Hall, on the 3rd floor of the Centro Tecnológico del Mar – Fundación CETMAR, must register using the following form: https://cetmar.org/seminarios/NorwaterFinal/.