Laboratory of Separation and Reaction Engineering – Laboratory of Catalysis and Materials
The LSRE-LCM is a partnership between the LSRE (Laboratory of Separation and Reaction Engineering) and the LCM (Laboratory of Catalysis and Materials). This partnership obtained the status of Associated Laboratory in December 2004. The Associated Laboratory status was renewed in January 2011 for a 10-year period. The main location of the LSRE-LCM is the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto), also known as FEUP, which acts as the managing institution.
The LSRE-LCM also includes two external poles. The IPB pole, at the Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (Polytechnic Institute of Bragança), started in 1997 with a group of young IPB professors. They were former LSRE and LCM PhDs who found in the LSRE-LCM and the FEUP the scientific support and the possibility of supervising doctoral theses for their research activities. The IPL pole, at the Instituto Politécnico de Leiria (Polytechnic Institute of Leiria), started in 2011 with a collaboration protocol between the LSRE-LCM and a group of the IPL faculty members. Their objective was to strengthen the scientific support of IPL members and contribute to the development of the central region of Portugal.
The LSRE-LCM’s mission is to contribute to the development of scientific and technological know-how in the areas of chemical engineering of separation and reaction processes, product engineering, catalysis and carbon materials, thermodynamics and environmental engineering.
The LSRE-LCM’s motto guides its researchers in the search for the current scientific challenges and innovations that will impact on the future industrial and economic sustainable development.
The activities carried out at the LSRE-LCM cover a wide range of know-how levels, from basic research to industrial product and process development, including materials, processes and product engineering contributions.
The training of highly qualified researchers and technicians, through postgraduate and post-doctoral programs, is the main focus of the LSRE-LCM’s activities.
The LSRE-LCM is aimed at contributing to the sustainable development of Portugal and, in particular, of the northern region, in accordance with the Norte 2020 (North 2020) guidelines. To achieve this objective in a coherently organized way, research at the LSRE-LCM is divided in 4 research groups working in different strategic areas: cyclic adsorption/reaction processes, product engineering, thermodynamics and environment, catalysis and carbon materials.
One of the objectives of the LSRE-LCM Associated Laboratory is to foster R&D&I activities. To that end, its strategic plan establishes the promotion of international research networks and projects, such as NOR-WATER, in order to strengthen, promote and make its research visible. Likewise, the NOR-WATER project will provide the LSRE-LCM Associated Laboratory with a unique opportunity to capitalize on the knowledge acquired and strengthen its capacities within this field.
Laboratorio de Procesos de Separación y Reacción – Laboratorio de Catálisis y Materiales (LSRE-LCM) – Universidade do Porto
Address: Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias. 4200-465 Porto. Portugal.
Telephone: +351 220 414 914
Contact: Vítor Vilar